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Sold my three sets of MaxTrax, and am retiring my two cracked and broken cheapo sets of X-Bull boards (that I got 5 years of good use out of) — and reclaiming the stainless hardware I added to them, to be repurposed onto my replacements.
The MaxTrax are being replaced by three sets of ActionTrax that I just bought from Matt over at GarageWorks. And the X-Bull boards are being replaced by one set of Gen 7 and one set of Gen 10 boards from Bunker Industries (Amazon cheapos).
Why ActionTrax over MaxTrax? Several reasons. The three most important to me are that ActionTrax are made from a higher quality more crack/break resistant material than the nylon MaxTrax, they can be drilled for metal hardware (drilling MaxTrax voids the warranty), and they have no weight, terrain or temperature restrictions (MaxTrax has warranty restrictions for all three). ActionTrax also have some design enhancements that aren’t just gimmicks… larger handle holes to accommodate gloves, slots on each end to allow them to be linked together, and a sawtooth edge which helps with digging and helps prevent the board from slipping as easily.
Why Bunker cheapos from Amazon? If I have to use boards to help a stranger get unstuck, it’s far less painful to have them damage them with wheel spin on a $70 pair than it is on a $300 pair. Last winter I bought two sets of Bunker Gen 8 boards and had the opportunity to test them quite thoroughly. I was impressed. They are significantly better quality than the X-Bull boards they are replacing.
All of the new boards will be drilled and fitted with metal hardware on one end.
Check this link to an older write up I did with a bunch of tips for more effective use of traction boards...
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